Loos in Action

Kudos to the proud owners of their Happy Toilets

20 more hawker centres have been certified (Nov 07-Jan 08) under the Happy Toilet Program, bringing to date a total of 59 hawker centres under this program. NEA has been one of RAS most supportive partners.

Four public toilets in the Tanjong Pagar Town Council area were featured in the Shin Min Daily News on 21 November. The four toilets used to be notorious for their filthiness but after extensive upgrading, two have been even awarded a three-star grading by RAS. The Tanjong Pagar Town Council has successfully shed their negative image to become one of the areas with the highest numbers of Happy Toilets. To live up to their name, the Town Council has also sent their cleaners for training and invited RAS assessors to rate their toilets.

Apart from public areas, industrial and construction sites have also earned their Happy Toilet certification. Kajima Overseas Asia Pte Ltd is undertaking the construction of Cliveden @ Grange and four toilets in the site have been certified Happy Toilets. The female toilet has also earned a 5-star toilet plaque for its energy-saving and water-saving features. JTC Corporation has also joined in the race with 13 of its factory toilets awarded (Nov - Dec 07) the Happy Toilet status.

Kudos to the proud finalists of MediaCorp’s Chinese Roving DV competition

Both Mee Toh and Anderson Primary School have featured their Happy Toilets for the Roving DV competition. Among the five finalists, Mee Toh Primary School was the second to be shortlisted, followed coincidentally by Anderson Primary School as the third finalist.

Over the past year, 62 schools submitted 81 entries but only 33 of them were aired on MediaCorp’s Channel 8 news. After a series of tough competitions, only five were selected to compete in the final.


Public voting ended on 16 January. 50% of the results will depend on voting while the remaining will be judged by the professionals.

If you have missed their masterpiece, click below and catch a glimpse of it!

Mee Toh Primary School: Creative Happy Toilet

Anderson Primary School’s Happy Toilet School Education Programme


Restroom Association (Singapore)